Victory In The Valley is a local Christian music festival dedicated to making change in the New Bethlehem community. I was invited to assist with web design and social media marketing solutions.

Attempt 1: Initially, I built a website using the Hugo static site generator. However, I found the theme I used was too restrictive in page flow. It served its purpose, but couldn’t meet the organizations growing needs.

Key Takeaways: This project taught me a lot about static site generators and the Go programming language. I didn’t master Go, however.


Attempt 2: The local technology firm I worked for used WordPress to build stunning websites. While there are definitely some drawbacks to WordPress, (speed, security, etc) I realized that design and the implementation of new features would be much easier. Using only free and open source resources, I designed and implemented a new WordPress site for Victory In The Valley. The site is currently a work in progress but is open to the public!

Key Takeaways: I learned the process of building a WordPress site from installation to deployment. I definitely enjoy WordPress, but I can also see its shortfalls.

Project Success!

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