I graduated from IUP in December 2024. A few days before my graduation, I was in tears over the uncertainty that I was about to face. For three and a half years, I had gotten used to the routine of college. Classes, work, clubs, sleep, repeat. In a few days, I was leaving the environment I was so used to. Not just the physical space, but the people too.
I worked at the IUP IT Support Center as a support representative. To say I loved this job was an understatement. I love working with people and troubleshooting, and this job sure provided both. Working with the customers was both rewarding and draining, depending on the day. Perhaps the best part of the job was getting to know some incredible people, staff and students, who taught me many things I will never forget. (Glenn… if you’re reading this, I mean you!)
Now, I had to leave those people and the job that I had known so well and jump into the real world.
Was I ready? Yes, but also no.
Since 2020, I have worked with Rev. Dr. Gordon Barrows at TechReady Professionals in my hometown of New Bethlehem PA as an independent contractor. This is another place where I have learned so much, from Rev. Dr. Barrows, my colleagues, and our wonderful clients. I am thankful everyday for Gordon and the opportunities I have at TechReady. This position has taught me so much; about technology, how to be a professional, and most importantly how to serve our community.
After graduation, I was at a crossroads.
Do I continue working at TechReady full time? Or do I look for a full time job?
My dream has always been to work in higher ed. IT. There is just something about that environment that is intoxicating to me. Maybe it’s my time at IUP IT Support that made used to this environment and afraid to leave it.
I did end up applying for an IT job at a local university. I thought getting it was a long shot. Two months later, I got a call to schedule an interview. When I got an offer to take the position, I turned it down.
Why? I love being self-employed way too much.
Technically, I am “self employed” since I am an independent contractor. This means that I am relatively free when it comes to what time I arrive at work, how I go about doing things, etc. I also started my own company, Green Digital Innovations, to provide technology services.
If I took the job at the university, I would be locked into an 8 to 4, 5 days a week, let’s say 48 weeks a year, for 30 years.
Being self-employed means hours of work, often after-hours, but that also means sleeping in, taking days off, and doing things how I want to. There’s something to be said for that kind of freedom. While that may sound good, there are also issues.
How do I get insurance? Why hasn’t this customer paid their invoice? Did I pay sales tax to the state this month? Did I charge the sales tax correctly?
These and other questions are what keep me up at night. If I had a full time job, I wouldn’t have to worry about any of this. A full time job would have its own frustrations, albeit different in nature.
At this point in my life, I am fortunate enough to have a choice between a full time job and self-employment. I am forever grateful to Rev. Dr. Barrows and the opportunities he has given me at TechReady, but I realize that I may have to go towards a full-time job at some point.
For now, I am happy to be living at home and working in my hometown. It isn’t perfect, but it is better than a lot of places.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far! I am incredibly blessed and I thank God every day for the life that I have.